I can't believe another month has gone by! And what a busy month! The last day of the month, we went and watched Ky at a horse show. She did great! She is growing up so fast.

I did a lot of babysitting this past month, but you know me, I love spending time with the kids! Below, I met his mother to pick him up, she had something for work she had to do. Since he was hungry, we sat and let him eat before we went to my house. He is such a smarty! It is amazing. We were singing the "We are going to Grandma's house" song that I sing to all the babies in the car on the way to my house, and he giggled and kept having me sing it over and over again. Finally, he knew the words well enough to sing along. After each time singing it he would say "That good singing Grandma!". He also said, Look Grandma, I see the mountain! How can a two year old know how to talk so well? Needless to say, he is amazing!!

Chatt and Aspen met me for lunch one day. After lunch we rode every ride there was at the mall. It was fun though. She is such a darling!

Jon turned 22. We just went to dinner and then came back home for an ice cream cake. Daniel and Bronson both went to dinner and had the cake with us.

One weekend we baby sat Kate's boys for the entire weekend. It was Kate and James' third anniversary. I have to say, you forget how much work babies take. I have a new respect for Kate and all she does day in and day out to take care of her kids. Asher was really confused. They are both still so young that you can't say "Mommy and Daddy are going for a while, but they will be back" so Asher spent the weekend wondering what was going on. They really were pretty good for us, we just aren't used to taking care of babies 24/7!

Dylan came over Presidents Day weekend. We had a game night his second night here. While the grown ups played games, the little kids watched Dora...

The boys won the girls that night, though I still don't really know how. We must have been really distracted by all the kids. :)

There was plenty of visiting too.

Kylee has Jon wrapped around her little finger.

My niece Samantha came and stayed over too.

This picture is from when I watched Alyssa one night. She loves to pose for me. But more often than not, she likes to do her mad face.

At the beginning of the month, I took 2 year old pictures of Gage. Below are two of my favorites.

Now that i have been working for over a month straight again, it is hard to find the time to write as often as I would like. My new job is going really well though and I really think it is a place I can be happy with. And stay with for a really long time. There are no politics like some of the places I have worked. Also, the people there have been there for such a long time. That says a lot about a company. My last company didn't have many long timers. Once I worked there for a while, I understood why. So it is good that I have moved on. I am hoping that all my friends and family left behind there are able to be safe and secure, or able to find a better place to land. :)
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