Sunday, July 26, 2009

We have a new baby!

Our third grandbaby in four months time has been born! Below is my beautiful daughter, about ten minutes after the baby was born. How did she look so good??
The new little family.

Gage loves his new baby brother.

A pucker the day after he was born

Precious boys!

Photoshoot with some of my grandchildren...

I did a photoshoot with some of my grand babies. Look at how beautiful they are!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My sister had a barbeque at her house for the 4th of July. Dennis was in town so he helped cook... (well, HE barbequed) My Mom and Dad came, as well as Tyler and his kids, Thane and two of his kids, Chatt and Nate and me and Dennis. Zach was there for a while and Jesse is who did the firework show for us.

Such sweet kids! Cameron and Aspen have always gotten along SO well! They loved playing together.

Bubb and Sam are both so photogenic!

My brother holding Luke! I have pictures of him holding Chatt at about that same age!

My sister is newly engaged! Sammi is checking out the ring...

Mom sat still for a second so I could take her picture. :)

The happy couple.

My newest grandson on his first 4th of July!

Nana and Aspen. Aspen kept turning Nana's face towards whatever she wanted her to look at! She drug her all over the yard talking her ear off.

My cute nephew...
His shirt says "You read my t-shirt. That's enough social interaction for one day"
My happy sister

And sparklers started the show...

Chattni's family and Cort and Alyssa and I went to the Murray parade the morning of the 4th of July. It was a lot of fun. I used to take my kids to that parade every year. When they got older we would sometimes go to the parade up in Park City if we were vacationing up there, if not, we would go to the Murray parade. It is a lot crazier now. Tons of people. It wasn't so crowded when my kids were young!

The kids got to where they would yell "candy, candy, candy" at every float that went by. They would stand and wave... Cort had a bunch of friends there that sat with us. There were a TON of kids. It was pretty cute all of them knowing each other so well and playing together. They would all help each other get candy if one kid missed out. It was really sweet. There were some girls that came by dressed in dance costumes and passed out fliers about their upcoming performance. One girl handed a flyer to Alyssa and asked her if she wanted to come watch her dance. Alyssa just took the flyer and nodded yes. Then she kept saying she wanted to go watch that girl dance. She was ready to leave the parade and go watch that girl! It was cute.
Later a car came through from Fast cash or some odd place. They weren't throwing candy and there were pictures of dollars all over the car. The kids were yelling "candy, candy, candy" so I said "No! dollars, dollars, dollars!" The grown ups chuckled about that and we watched the parade. Pretty soon Aspen was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she was upset because she "didn't get any dollars!" Nate finally folded up a flyer and handed to her and told her it was a dollar and she was fine. :)